I dance a lot. Like music, there is a lot of magic in dancing. Sometimes, if you watch blues dancers out of the corner of your half-closed eyes, you will see magic in its truest form. The blue lights, listless eyes, rhythm of the body coinciding with the rhythm of the beat. The soul will confirm it is from another world.
The eyes of the angry man glow red in the lamplight and the weary eyes of a whore look as from behind a mask: demonic. The sun glistens on a kind soul, and a crystal child's laugh: angelic. The gossipy girl gossips because she is addicted to the lives of other people: vampiric. The gossip girl really is sucking the life forces of those around her. Why do you think she is so irritating?
Daily, we come across these moments we know are significant but we have no way to calculate it, put it into words and understand it. Like math we use fantasy to calculate these things, but magic. Just feel. That feeling you get at Disney World. That is magic. True, someday science will calculate it. But while one can understand a flower, a flower is still a flower.
Feel. Listen. The melody of the world will show it to you. The starry night sky, the setting sun, the ominous cavern, the hell of war, the unexplained healing of a loved one, the falling rain: all magical. I could talk about it just as I could describe the taste of Coca-cola. But you will never truly understand the taste of Coca-cola until you drink it.
Drink from the magic of the world and you will discover the literal demons, the real angels, wizards and elves. They are not just imagination. They are reality, and as such, they have a direct impact over our daily lives…
The ghostly dancers are dancing in the blue light. The universe is singing magical tunes. It’s beautiful. Listen. The way you would appreciate a setting sun, listen...