Sunday, October 28, 2012

What do you believe?

Next to love, belief is the most powerful weapon at mankind's disposal. Like any weapon it can be used for great evil, or great good. In Nolan's Batman, the Joker believed in chaos. Look at the chaos he unleashed. Never doubt the power of a single drop, because with death on one hand and life on the other, and the gun powder of belief, one drop can change the future of the ocean. Besides: 

"Isn't that what an ocean is made of? A multitude of drops?" -Cloud Atlas. 

ps: In the movie, Cloud Atlas, look for the word. Especially when adjacent to the word love.

Friday, October 26, 2012


"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

 All the best teachers know two things. Never do something for a kid when they could do it themselves and befriend the janitor.

Who has more power? The lady on the pedestal or the man who wraps her in gifts and service?

Give a man a fish and he'll be on your hook for life. Teach a man to fish and he'll catch you a whale. 

Never under estimate the power of servitude.

Its an oxymoronic counter cultural thought, but without servitude, there is no freedom.
A country for the people is created by a country built BY the people.

When money is the end goal, capitalism fails. When money is the means for the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, capitalism succeeds.

When the political games and personal gains are the focus, Democracy fails. But when the needs of America lie in the heart of politicians, Democracy succeeds.

It is this way for all areas of American society. We are a country built BY the services of the people. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Crayola Pain.

There is this lie that all pain is evil. However, pain is as colored as the rainbow.

One pain that is good is the pain of healing.  
Whether emotional or physical, it is that agonizing pain that makes you wince through your tears and shiver. Yet as you rock back and forth, mindlessly moaning, you can imagine the evil burning out of you. It is the pain that reminds you that you will soon be reforged... and that is something to laugh about.

Belief: Something to live For.

Look for the word in Battle Star Galactica, 
Miniseries. Season 1, episode 2  

"You have something to live for now, not just die for." 
-Helo, Battle Star Galactica, Season 2 episode 15 Scar.