Sunday, April 1, 2012

Max's Obituary

Artistic rendition: No photos were able to be recovered from the fire.
It is with a heavy heart that owner, Paul Hoeg, announces the passing of his dearly beloved cat, Maxy Sweet Hoeg. Born July 15th 2011, Max was bought December 23rd from Petsmart as a Christmas present. Since the intended recipient didn’t want a cat, Paul took him in out of the kindness of his heart.  Born from a professional mouse catching breed, he was best known for his capture and slaughter of local Robin. He is also known for his victory in the grizzly fight with the stray cat next door. Max was succeeded by owner Paul Hoeg, ball of yarn, and friend Ralph the mouse whom he died heroically saving in a burning building. In loo of flowers, wear pink his favorite color. Or donate to the flamingo exhibit at the zoo.

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