Tuesday, November 29, 2011

15min_Snow Dancing

I started doing a fifteen minute daily free-write. Perhaps it would be nice to share some of them.
The penguins and the kangaroos were boundin and a banging around in the north cold. The penguin talking to the Roo was like shoo, you new yew. Show yo bro your toe. A pace, a sec, a millisec went by and the Roo kicked the PenGuin in the beak. The Guin bounced back with a flop . He flipped, and he flopped, and he danced, hither and whither, a soft spitter and spatter, along the crystallized snow, and the face of the bro, the Gorilla: It started to become all aglow. “Let me try that.” He boomed. “You sure should” Bounced the boasting Kanga, bounding along the whispy snow. “It’s mighty right fun.”
Boom Boom Boom Crack crack creak. Poor Gorilla. A little too much rock in his bones. Each pound zoomed through the soft layer of snow and rattled the ice underneath. The ground began to shake and split. A Creak and a crack. “Oh no!!“ Squeaked the Guin. He stopped pattling along. The Roo stopped aboundin. But old Rilla. He had no clue what was ahappening and kept right along pounding the ground to his own little tune. Soon. Penny Guin found himself jigging along on the soft wispy snow in fright, squeaking in soft concern, being on a soft white island in the flowing rivers of blue around him. Still Rilla pounded, Boom Boom Boom. Crack Crack Crack. All the while, the yelling of Kangaroo begging Gorilla to stop played on in the background. But oh, it wasn’t until Kangaroo’s yelling drowned into a gurgle as the hopper slipped into the frozen sea, with his big toes bobbing up in the water. But it was too late. Two cracks creaked between the Gorilla’s legs. Two islands dragged his legs further apart. He was promised a fun little dip in moments. Even the General Giraffe , who was quietly minding his own business, sun-tanning in the corner, found himself with a impending date with hypothermia. The ivy snow cracks slid under his towel and began pulling the pieces out. The whale saved everyone.

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