Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NaNoWriMo Report.

I bet most of you (if any) are wondering. How’s my story going? Well…Truthfully, it’s not. I dropped all the scarves juggling. Doesn’t mean there’s nothing productive to be thankful for. Just because a bird falls from the nest the first time, doesn’t mean he won’t fly. What I do have of the story is epic and slowly the rest will trail along. So, for those of you believing in me thank you and don’t stop.

Here's an excerpt. Remember: It's a rough draft.
“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” The goldfish said.
“Oh. Um. I’m William.”
The goldfish gasped! Flowing backwards, his mouth swung wide open.
The William?”
“Um. William. Yeah. I guess so. I’m talking to a goldfish cracker?”
The William? The hero that has been foretold through the tides to defeat the windy demon? My dear friend if I had fins I would shake your hand!”
“What? No! Demon? What? I’m no hero!! Get away from me! I’m just looking for my cousin. She ran ashore just now.” Will said brushing off the bustling cracker swirling around his head excitedly. Suddenly he found himself surrounded by dozens and dozens of cheesy crackers nudging up against him, all shrieking excitedly with shrill voices. William waved his arms around like a madman, desperately trying to shake them off. Frantically he grabbed one. He plopped it in his mouth. Crunch. The fish gasped. The shrieking stopped. There was a moment of shock. Then, in unison the crackers turned red. Cheese red. Suddenly, William found himself dolphin kicking ferociously away from a school of murderous goldfish crackers.

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