Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thursday 10/27/11

To show the magic of the world, allow me to relay the events of last Thursday evening. Originally I planned to go straight from work to blues at Trinity University. However, I got out of work an hour early. So I went to Trinity University whereupon I locked my keys and my jacket in the car. Whoop-de-do. So to escape the freezing wind, I found myself inside, where I met a lovely lady at the front desk and heard all about her coming trip to Australia. The smile on her face was magic enough. I called AAA, and a series of unforeseen coincidences led me straight to Trinity Review’s Scary Story Contest!! Up till now, as former Chair of PR, I had no idea it was going on!!! So I went and enjoyed that event, listening to some hardcore, awe inspiring readings.
After a pleasant chat with the AAA guy, I meandered over to the Swashbuckler hall. (The Swashies are a pirate loving community hall I had been heavily involved with). Turns out they were hard at work polishing the details the night before Friday’s event, the annual Swashbuckler Haunted Hall. After a visitation with them, I went blues dancing. Blues is always magical.
After the dance, me and a friend walked out towards our car. I started talking about the works at the Scary Story Contest, my goals to write the next Great American Novel, and my goal to complete NaNoWriMo. He shrugs in his wizardly fashion. (I’m not sure whether he appreciates this comparison, but with the trench coat, frizzy hair and warm, knowledgeable smile, a wizard never looked more like a wizard). Turns out the wizard has done NaNoWriMo a multitude of times, and plans to do it again. That night, on Facebook I wrote: “Proof of magic in the world: locked keys in the car turn out to be a blessing and God keeps nudging me in the write direction.”

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